Sunday, November 4, 2007

Mannequins with nipples

Statuephilia, also called agalmatophilia, or Pygmalionism after the myth of Pygmalion, is an uncommon sexual fetish or paraphilia that involves sexual attraction to statues or dolls. In its literal sense it means sexual attraction to statues (usually but not exclusively nudes), but the objects of attraction may also be lifelike mannequins or dolls (Source: wikipedia).

So what does this have to do with me, or more importantly, this blog? The most obvious reason is the mannequin world’s recent fascination with putting rock hard nipples on their products. Now this just seems like a waste of perfectly good mannequin material to me. Just think of all the extra mannequins they could make if they just got rid of these things! How many women are passing by these things and saying “WOW! Look at the nipples on that thing! I think I’m going to go in and shop!” It’s true, at first glance, these plastic areolas seem to have no purpose whatsoever. Bu long after you pass it by, it stays in your mind. Not that you have a thing for mannequins, but because that little extra bit of plastic is oddly intriguing, just enough to get it to stick in your mind than their other, nippleless counterparts. Next thing you know, you’re back in the store buying whatever it is they were wearing. And a pretzel, because shopping is always better with a pretzel.

Over the span of its life, this little journal (I’ve just decided that the word ‘blog’ shall never be uttered again, ever) is an exercise in the effects of anatomically correct mannequins. At first glance, seemingly useless, but the more you think about it, the more stimulating and intriguing it becomes. This is not going to be one of those places where I complain about personal matters, delve into celebrity gossip or give you a rundown of the days minor news stories (by the way, have you SEEN Don Vitos’ mugshot? He looks like he just devoured a colony of underage Umpaloompas). There are more than enough sites that do that. My goal is to (hopefully) enlighten and entertain with the various things that make me me. There will be moments of sheer brilliance, followed by paragraphs of pure drivel and randomness. But if you remember our mannequin friends, we just might make it out of this with some sense of self worth. But probably not.

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