Friday, November 30, 2007

Drop the Bunn...errr...Teddy!

As much as I like to discredit all religion equally, it’s kinda hard not to give a leg up to the Muslims. Take this weeks fiasco in Sudan, where a British school teacher was jailed for allowing a child to name a teddy bear Mohammed. Now you have sword wielding protesters in the streets screaming that she be executed for defaming the god. Granted she didn’t actually name the stuffed toy, a child did. But since she allowed it to go through (aren’t a lot of Muslims named Mohammed as well?) she was charged with insulting religion (convicted), inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs (cleared on both). I know all Muslims aren’t like this, and anyone with a functioning brain should look at this and just shake their head in shame, but WTF??? It seems to have gotten to the point where you can’t even mention the “M word” without immediately following it with gold plated praise. If you thought the Danish cartoon fiasco was absurd, this is just outright ludicrous. The wack job fundamentalists who take to the streets over things like this, really do give Muslims a bad name, which is a shame. Because the last thing they need right now is another reason for the Western Islamaphobes to say “See? I told you so.” Let’s just hope cooler heads prevail. Because if a teddy bear can cause an international incident, I hope no one finds out what my friend calls his ‘johnson.’

Instead of making this into a new post, I've decided to add on to this, as it covers similiar ground. While not even close to what's going on in Sudam, I am very disheartened by the Catholic League's called for boycott over "The Golden Compass" film, which they says promotes athiest ideas. And my question to them is, so what if it does? Isn't the idea of different points of view something to be welcomed? Won't it lead to better, more indepth and informed discussions? This sickens me, as we live in a society where the phrase "corporate monopoly" might as well be a four letter word, but we somehow think it's OK to have just one option when it comes to religion. By the Catholic Leagues standards, any questioning of the Bible should not be tolerated, ever, and even though they're not brandishing swords over it, they're still waging war. Were there any athiest protests over the film adaption of the "Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe?" Were non-believers out picketing "The Passion of the Christ?" Not that i can remember, though I do remember a small fraction of people getting into a huss about Harry Potter and how it promotes witchcraft. It's funny to me how these religions preach tolerence, unless you don't beleive what they do (and god help you if you don't beleive anything at all!). Can't we all just get along?

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