Monday, January 28, 2008

I can haz prezidency?

Even though the victory may be fleeting, there is something warming about Obama’s smackdown of Clinton in the South Carolina primary over the weekend. I know I’m not the only one violently ill over her smear tactics and downright dirty politics (I heard he’s black!) and it was refreshing to see the residents of SC respond to her BS in the best way possible. Let the pundits talk all they want about how this was a win due, in large part, to the significant black population in South Carolina. Don’t buy it. What you see here is, for the first time this primary season, a decisive victory on the Deomocratic side. And this has got Hilary scared shitless. Or at least it should. While she was able to claim victory in New Hampshire and Nevada, they were hollow victories in that she actually came out behind in the number of delegates. And Obama’s victory in Iowa was just as meaningless, it was for all intents and purposes a tie. So now going into Super Tuesday, Obama is carrying the first real momentum of the races this year. Will it be enough to stop the Clinton machine? I can only hope, because if she gets the nom, I’ll have a tough choice to make in November, between a cardboard box and Reagan reincarnated in zombie form, because, let’s face it, that would be pretty damn awesome.

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