Monday, December 17, 2007

The war on education

"Ever notice how we don't do all that well in wars on nouns?" –Michael Moore

Gotta give it up to Tony Snow. In speaking the Academy of Leadership & Liberty at Oklahoma Christian University recently, Snow made this proclamation:

“The average Iranian is more Pro-American than virtually any college faculty in this country.” he also spoke about the war on terror and “the second war in this country, the war on God.”

In trying to make his point that the vast Christian majority in this country is being oppressed worse than Jews were during the Holocaust, he actually declares war on something else: education. You sly dog you! By calling college faculties across the country “Anti-American,” he is more or less saying, the only way you can be a good citizen and love this country is to be stoopid. And not just can’t figure out how to get the new DVR to work stupid. We’re talking, high school drop out stupid.

First, I’d love to know where he got his little statistic about the “average Iranian.” Is he referencing some imaginary poll? Or maybe he’s talking about the Presidents’ falling poll numbers. Because, of course, if you disagree with the President, you obviously hate your country. And probably are making bombs in your basement. Right now. Never mind the fact that protest is in fact patriotism, and that the reason people dissent is (for the most part) that we do love our country and we’re upset in the direction that it’s headed. So in wanting to have things change for the better, we question. And protest. But in order to do those things, in order to think rationally, one has to get educated.

So what’s Mr. Snow’s answer on how to get rid of the scary secular-progressive boogeymen? Call them Anti-American because they got educated at the evil universities of this country. Love your country kids, stay stupid! Getting an education might make you start to question things, which is clearly un-American! It sickens me that someone like this was spewing forth propaganda for so long. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really surprise me though.

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